Special Topics Courses

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189 Courses

Spring 2024TitleCRN #Units *(manually update on Schedule Builder)Flyer
ECS 189LTopics in Computer Science: Black Mirror571704*https://ucdavis.box.com/s/nxoh2tp2vkgqw2xxzb4be6hlqmdl6cru
ECS 189CSoftware Correctness574844*https://ucdavis.box.com/s/g8x3yxkfhxl8oxnoixwmgadh5m8z1rfa
Fall 2024TitleCRN #Units * (manually update on Schedule Builder)Flyer
ECS 189FIntroduction to Distributed Ledgers294394*https://ucdavis.box.com/s/81mgjvcyrl8yokyudfvz11smdekmnhe5