
Graduate Group Bylaws

  • Article I – Objective
  • The Graduate Group in Computer Science (hereafter referred to as the GGCS) is organized primarily to establish and administer graduate education and research leading to the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science, in conformance with the rules of the Office of Graduate Studies of the Davis Campus of the University of California. The GGCS is formed to provide administration and coordination for the graduate program in Computer Science. It also provides a means of representing Computer Science collectively to the University administration and to other academic groups. 

  • Article II – Membership
  • The GGCS shall consist of members of the Academic Senate associated with the Davis Campus who are qualified to guide candidates for the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science and who meet qualifications for a) admission, and b) maintenance of membership. Academic Senate members can apply for membership in the GGCS by submitting a request for membership directly to the GGCS. Group members may also nominate qualified Academic Senate members for membership. Qualifications for admission to membership shall be determined by the Group, aided by a Committee on Membership and shall include, at the least, evidence of the capacity to perform independent research in Computer Science and a stated willingness to a) contribute to the teaching of Computer Science at the graduate level, b) contribute to the advising of Computer Science graduate students at the M.S. and Ph.D. level, and c) contribute to the activities of the GGCS by serving on standing and ad hoc committees. Applicants denied admission to membership in the Group may appeal that decision to the Dean of Graduate Studies. Maintenance of membership will require evidence of ongoing independent research in Computer Science, plus a periodic demonstration of at least two of the following three activities (during the period under review):

    Advising Computer Science graduate student theses at the M.S. and/or Ph.D. level
    Evidence of contribution to the teaching of Computer Science at the graduate level
    A record of participation in Group activities. All members must participate in at least one Group activity per year.

    Emeritus faculty may remain active members of the GGCS by continuing to fulfill membership maintenance requirements. Membership is reviewed every three years.

  • Article III – Organization and Administration
  • The management of the Graduate Group in Computer Science shall be vested in an Executive Committee.

  • Article IV – Graduate Group Chair
  • The graduate group chair nomination process will be conducted in accordance with current Graduate Council and Academic Personnel Manual policies, APM Section UCD-245B. A “Nominating Committee” will be named by the Executive Committee or Chair to solicit the names of nominees for Graduate Group Chair from the faculty and graduate students of the group. The names of the nominees indicating a willingness to serve will then be submitted to the Group’s faculty and graduate students for comments. All comments will remain confidential. The Nominating Committee will forward two names to the Dean of Graduate Studies along with comments received on the nominees. The Group may express a preference and, if it does, should indicate the basis for determining that preference. After interviewing the nominees the Dean of Graduate Studies will forward his/her recommendation to the Chancellor. The normal term of the Chair’s appointment is three years, however what is recommended will be based on the nominees’ willingness to serve.

    The duties of the Chair are to:

    Provide overall academic leadership for the Group
    Develop and implement policies for the Group
    Represent the interests of the Group the campus and University administrators
    Call and preside at meetings of the Executive Committee
    Be responsible for coordinating all administrative matters with the Office of Graduate Studies
    Manage the budgets of the Graduate Group
    Be responsible for the accuracy of all publications related to the Group including web pages and catalog copy
    Coordinate graduate course offerings with the Computer Science Department chair and other department chairs with relevant graduate courses
    Nominate graduate advisers for appointments

  • Article V – Committees
  • Executive Committee
    The management of the Graduate Group in Computer Science shall be vested in an Executive Committee. This committee is to be constructed as follows:

    The Executive Committee will have a total of five members.
    The Chair of the Graduate Group shall be a voting member and the Chair of the Executive Committee.
    The Chair of the Department of Computer Science shall be a non-voting member of the Executive Committee.
    At least one member of the Executive Committee will have their primary appointment in a department other than Computer Science.
    Committee members and their terms will be determined as follows:

    Election of new members will be held during the spring quarter of each year.
    Any three GGCS members may nominate a member for the Executive Committee.
    Election of members will be by vote of the entire membership of the GGCS.
    All terms will be of three years duration. Untimely vacancies will be filled by appropriate elections, and members so elected will serve for the unexpired portion of the term associated with the vacancy. Terms will be staggered such that one of the three elected positions will be vacated and filled each year.
    If the term of the only member whose primary appointment is not in the Department of Computer Science expires, nominations will be restricted to non-Computer Science faculty.
    A quorum of the Executive Committee will consist of at least three individuals, including the GGCS chair.

    The Executive Committee may call for a vote of the GGCS membership on matters on which consultation with the GGCS as a whole is deemed necessary.

    Each spring, after the election of new members to the Executive Committee has been completed, the Executive Committee shall appoint members to the following committees:

    Committee on Membership
    The Committee on Membership shall consist of five members appointed by the Chair of the GGCS. The duties of this committee will consist of the following:

    Members of this committee will review requests for membership to the GGCS. Membership in the GGCS will take effect immediately upon unanimous agreement of the Membership Committee, or approval of the Executive Committee if the Membership Committee cannot reach unanimous consent. Denial of membership can be appealed to the Executive Committee. A denial of membership by the Executive Committee can be appealed to the Dean of Graduate Studies.
    A periodic review of the members of the GGCS will determine maintenance of membership. Maintenance of membership will be undertaken at three-year intervals, beginning in the Fall Quarter of 2002. A majority vote of the Committee on Membership is required for the maintenance of membership for any member. A member who fails to receive this approval may appeal the decision to the Executive Committee.
    Term of membership shall be 3 years.

    Committee on Educational Policy
    This committee is to be constructed as follows:

    The Committee on Educational Policy will consist of four members appointed by the Chair of the GGCS.
    One member shall be the Chair of the Advisers Committee.
    One member shall be a current graduate student in the GGCS.
    The Chair of this committee must be a member of the Executive Committee.
    GGCS members shall serve a term of 3 years. Student members shall be appointed annually.

    This committee has responsibility for the following tasks:

    To determine the requirements for the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science. These must be approved by the Executive Committee. All proposed changes are sent via email to the entire group membership for comment, and all members are notified when the changes have been approved.
    To recommend to the Graduate Council membership on thesis committees, dissertation committees, and qualifying examination committees.
    To schedule, announce, and conduct all Group-administered examinations, making recommendations to the Executive Committee on the lists of candidates who have passed the examinations.
    To review petitions pertaining to exceptions in the program of study for the Ph.D. degree.
    Committee on Admissions and Awards
    This committee will be charged with making recommendations to the appropriate body regarding admission of students (Graduate Studies) into the program and regarding the form of financial assistance (Graduate Studies, department chair), if any, to be offered to students admitted to the program.

    This committee will consist of two members appointed by the Chair of the GGCS. Members will be appointed annually to serve a one year term.

    Committee of Graduate Advisers
    This committee will be composed of the graduate advisers in the GGCS, and will be chaired by a member of the Educational Policy Committee. This committee is charged with fulfilling the advising function of the GGCS, along with the following tasks:

    To monitor the normal progress of graduate students in the GGCS. This includes approval of student petitions for normal progress extensions and recommendations for dismissal, when necessary.
    Four members will be appointed annually to serve a one year term.

  • Article VI – Student Representatives
  • A student representative shall serve on the Committee on Educational Policy. The student representative will be appointed annually to serve a one year term. Appointments will be made by the Chair of the Group in consultation with the CSGSA. The student representative will serve in an advisory capacity and will not vote on matters under consideration.

  • Article VII – Graduate Advisors
  • The Chair of Graduate Council approves graduate adviser appointments. The graduate program’s executive committee will provide nominations to the Associate Dean for Programs. The Associate Dean will review and recommend nominees to the Chair of Graduate Council for appointment. Four members will be appointed annually to serve a one-year term. Graduate Advisers will monitor the normal progress of graduate students in the GGCS and provide guidance on their academic program. This includes approval of student petitions for normal progress extensions and recommendations for dismissal, when necessary.

  • Article VIII – Meetings
  • A meeting of the GGCS shall be held at least once a year or more if deemed desirable by the Executive Committee. A meeting may be called by action of the Executive Committee or by petition of at least 5 members of the GGCS. Attendance by at least 50%+ of the members of the GGCS will constitute a quorum for the meeting.

  • Article IX – Quorum
  • A quorum for the purpose of modifying bylaws or establishing graduate group policy must be greater than 50%+ of the non-emeritus faculty members who are eligible to vote. Passage of proposals requires a minimum of 50%+ of the members who actually vote.

  • Article X – Amendment of the Bylaws
  • The Bylaws of the Graduate Group may be amended in the following manner: A ballot will be circulated to all members of the Graduate Group stating fully the proposed amendment, including material to be added or to be deleted from the Bylaws. The ballot will be circulated four weeks (not counting summer) before the deadline for voting on the amendment. The amendment passes if it is approved by 50%+ of the GGCS membership. The Executive Committee shall administer and oversee the balloting, and apprise the GGCS of the outcome. All amendments and revisions must be submitted to Graduate Council for review and approval.