

Computer systems are the building blocks for the services and devices we use on a daily basis, from the internet of things (IoT) and mobile devices to massive data centers. Computer systems research comprises the design and analysis of these ubiquitous computing technologies through different characteristics, including performance, robustness, security and efficiency. Research in this area bridges application developers and users with the underlying computing technologies. Systems research at UC Davis includes research in computer architecture, networking, databases, operating systems, parallel and distributed computing and security. By increasing our understanding of and improving computing systems, this research enables the next generation of computing applications and technology.



Microarchitecture, Heterogeneous Systems, Power Efficiency, Full System Simulation, Hardware-Software Co-Design

Computer Networks

Network Protocols, Wireless Networks, Optical Networks, Interconnects

Database Systems

Blockchain, Transaction Protocols, Distributed/Decentralized Computing

Parallel & Distributed Systems

High Performance Computing, Verification, Modeling, Consensus


Intrusion Detection, Elections and e-Voting, Social Networking, Identity Management, Adversarial Machine Learning



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Hao Chen

Position Title
  • Professor
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Dipak Ghosal

Position Title
  • Professor, Department Chair
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Sam King

Position Title
  • Associate Professor
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Xin Liu

Position Title
  • Professor

Adjunct Faculty

Emeriti Faculty