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With AI, a New “Metabolic Watchdog” Takes Diabetes Care from Burden to Balance

Living with Type 1 diabetes requires continuous upkeep of glucose and minute-to-minute management, an impossibility for most young adults. Sam King, an associate professor of computer science, hopes to ease the daily mental load of diabetes with BeaGL, an AI-driven, customizable care system.

Charting Broadband Connectivity for Anchor Institutions

Assistant Professor of Computer Science Alexander Gamero-Garrido leads an NSF-funded project to analyze broadband connectivity at schools and libraries. The research aims to lessen the digital equity gap by mapping networks, assessing reliability, enhancing performance and prioritizing underserved communities.

Your Smart TV is Watching What You Watch

If you're thinking of buying a "smart" TV for the holidays, you ought to know that your new device is constantly capturing snapshots of what's on screen and sending them back to the manufacturer — even if you are using the device as a computer monitor and not watching TV at all.

New Free Career Training Creates Opportunities for Cybersecurity Professionals

Matt Bishop, a computer science professor at the University of California, Davis, leads a unique coalition of top-ranked universities, community colleges and cybersecurity organizations in launching an innovative new educational initiative to improve the country's software security: The Strengthen Workforce Education for Excellence in Programming Securely, or SWEEPS, program. 

UC Davis Receives Grant to Develop and Assess AI Approach for Atrial Fibrillation Risk Modeling

Atrial fibrillation, or AFib, is an irregular and often rapid heart rhythm, also known as an arrhythmia. AFib is the most common type of heart arrhythmia and predisposes patients to an increased risk of stroke. It has a significant global impact — affecting nearly 40 million individuals worldwide and over 6 million in the United States.

5 New Faculty Join Department of Computer Science

The UC Davis College of Engineering has hired five new faculty members to join the Department of Computer Science this fall. The assistant professors will investigate increasing memory and energy efficiency in software, improving security and system performance and how large foundational models can be used in fields like psychology and agriculture.