General Education

The CS Department does not advise on General Education, visit with the College of Engineering if you have questions!

Use the General Catalog for the most detailed and current course information.

General Education Recommendations

CourseCourse TitlePrerequisitesGE Category
CDM 072/ENL 072Intro to GamesNoneAH, VL
CDM 172/ENL 172/STS 172Video Games & CultureCDM 072 or ENL 072 recommendedSS, ACGH, VL, WE
CDM 173Intro Analog Game DesignCDM 072 or CDM 172 or CTS 172; or consent of instructorAH, VL
CDM 175 Intro Digital Game Development CDM 072 or CDM 172 or CTS 172; consent of instructorAH, SE, VL
CDM 177 Intro Game ProgrammingCDM 072 or CDM 172 or CTS 172; or consent of instructorAH, SE, QL, VL 
CHN 001Elementary ChineseNo background in Chinese or placement exam or consent of instructorAH, WC, OL 
CMN 001Introduction to Public SpeakingNoneSS, OL, WE
CMN 003Interpersonal Communication CompetenceNoneSS, WE
CMN 076 Video GamesNoneSS, VL
CMN 176 or 176V Video Games None 
CMN 170 Digital Technology and Social Change NoneSS
DES 001 Introduction to DesignNoneAH, VL
DES 016Graphics & The ComputerDES 001 (can be concurrent); or consent of instructorAH, VL
DES 112UI/UX DesignDES 001; (DES 014 or DES 021); DES 015; DES 016AH, VL
DES 117Interactive Media IDES 001; (DES 014 or DES 021); DES 015; DES 016; or consent of instructorAH, VL
DES 157AInteractive Media IIDES 001; (DES 014 or DES 021); DES 015; DES 016; DES 111; DES 117; or consent of instructorVL
DES 157BInteractive Media IIIDES 001; (DES 014 or DES 021); DES 015; DES 016; DES 021; DES 111; DES 112; DES 117; (DES 157 or DES 157A); or consent of instructorAH, VL
ECN 001A/V/YPrinciples of MicroeconomicsNoneSS, ACGH, QL
ECN 001B/V/YPrinciples of MacroeconomicsNoneSS, ACGH, QL
ENG 008Intro to EntrepreneurshipNoneSS
ENG 108Launching a CompanyENG 008 or consent of instructorSS
FRE 001Elementary FrenchNoneAH, WC
GER 001Elementary GermanNoneAH, WC
ITA 001Elementary ItalianNoneAH, WC
JPN 001Elementary JapaneseNoneAH, WC, OL
LAT 001Elementary LatinNoneAH
MGT 011AElementary AccountingNoneSS
MGT 011BElementary AccountingMGT 011ASS
PER 001Elementary PersianNoneAH, WC
PHI 012Intro to Symbolic LogicNoneAH
PHI 030Intro to Philosophy of ScienceNoneAH, SE, SL, WE
PHI 101MetaphysicsOne course in Philosophy recommendedAH, WE
PHI 102Theory of KnowledgeOne upper division Philosophy course recommendedAH, WE
PHI 111Space & TimeNoneAH, WE
PHI 112Intermediate Symbolic LogicPHI 012 C- or better; or consent of instructorAH
PHI 113MetalogicPHI 112; MAT 108; or the equivalentAH
PHI 131Philosophy of Math and LogicPHI 012 or one course for credit in mathematicsAH, WE
PHI 133Logic, Probability, & Artificial IntelligencePHI 012; (PHI 112 or STA 013)None
PHI 134Modal LogicPHI 112 or MAT 108; or the equivalentAH
PHI 135Alternatice LogicsPHI 012 or MAT 108; or the equivalentAH
PUN 001Elementary PunjabiNoneAH
RUSElementary RussianNoneAH, WC
SPA 001Elementary SpanishNoneAH, WC
STS 101Data & SocietyNoneSS, QL
STS 102AI in SocietyNoneSS
STS 110Computing, Data, & LawNoneSS, ACGH, WE
STS 114Global Information AgeNoneSS, WC, WE
WMS 050Intro to Gender StudiesNoneSS, ACGH, DD, VL, WE

It is recommended to avoid GE courses that count towards the Science and Engineering (SE) Topical Breadth category and Quantitative Literacy (QL) Core Literacy category because the CS/CSE majors complete 20 units for that section with major courses (ECS 36ABC, 20, 50, MAT 21ABC, etc). 

You are responsible for seeing that all of your degree requirements are fulfilled. The following College of Engineering Graduation Requirement Self-Check will help you ensure that all requirements are met.

Graduation/Degree Requirement Self-Check (GE3) (GE3 Effective Fall Quarter 2011)