Support Computer Science at UC Davis
Our Students
Gifts to students in computer science support educational programs focused on computer science, software and information technology. Support to this fund benefits student groups such as Davis Computer Science Club, Bit Project and Women in Computer Science. This fund also supports senior design projects and allows the students to focus on solving real-world problems without worrying how they will pay for tools or services in order to create a prototype system. The computer science department also supports an annual hackathon, HackDavis, where hundreds of students come to participate in a competition to code for social good.
Our Scholarships
This endowed scholarship fund provides financial support for undergraduate and graduate students in the Department of Computer Science. Each year, the department strives to provide support to our many hard-working students, often in the form of travel grants. Past travel grant recipients have won awards at top tier research conferences, and support to this fund will allow the department to continue providing grants to our many deserving students.
Our Department
Gifts to computer science excellence fund support research and educational programs focused on computer science. Support to this fund allows the department to renovate research laboratories in order to maintain cutting-edge, world-class research. This fund is also responsible for supporting the department’s lecture series, which invites preeminent researchers to present their work to our faculty and students. The recruitment of our excellent faculty is also partly made possible by the excellence fund.