Ph.D. student Gregory Rehm awarded NIH F31 Fellowship
Ph.D. student Gregory Rehm, co-supervised by ECE Professor Chen-Nee Chuah and Professor Jason Adams from UCD School of Medicine, has been awarded the NIH F31 Fellowship Grant to pursue his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science at UC Davis. Greg’s dissertation research will focus on developing a machine learning model for improving accuracy and timeliness of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) diagnosis, and enable early prediction of clinical deterioration in ARDS patients.
ARDS is a severe form of acute hypoxemic respiratory failure affecting 10% of patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU) and 1 in 4 mechanically ventilated patients. In-hospital mortality of 35-46% has been reported across the spectrum of mild-severe ARDS and one third of patients with initially mild ARDS will progress to moderate or severe ARDS. ARDS remains persistently under-recognized and challenging to diagnose. Only one third of ICU providers correctly identify ARDS on the first day when diagnostic criteria are met, and less than two thirds ever recognize the diagnosis in the ICU.