Lifu Huang

Lifu Huang

Position Title
Assistant Professor

  • Computer Science
3009 Kemper Hall

Huang’s research centers on Natural Language Processing, Multimodal Learning and Machine Learning, with a keen interest in developing efficient models and benchmarks to foster machine intelligence at a human level. His recent research interests include the fundamentals, understanding, enhancing, and forward-looking of Large Language Models (LLMs) and Vision-Language Models (VLMs), with broad downstream applications in NLP and Multimodal domains.

Education and Degree(s)
  • Ph.D. in Computer Science, UIUC
  • M.S. in Computer Science, Peking University
  • B.S. in Software Engineering, Northwestern Polytechnical University
Honors and Awards
  • NSF CAREER Award, 2013
  • ACL’2023 Outstanding Paper Award, 2013
  • SIGIR’2023 Best Paper Award Honorable Mention, 2013