ECS 193B: Capstone Project

ECS 193B
Capstone Project
Effective Term
2017 Spring Quarter
Learning Activities
Lecture/Discussion - 3.0 hours
Responding to real-life client design challenges, student teams plan, implement, and evaluate large-scale projects involving computer and computational systems. Project supervised by a faculty member. Must take ECS 193A & ECS 193B to receive credit. GE Prior to Fall 2011: SciEng. GE: SE.
ECS 193A IP or better
Enrollment Restrictions
Pass One open to Computer Science Engineering Majors only; Pass Two open to Computer Science and Computer Science Engineering Majors only.

Summary of Course Content
Under the supervision of a faculty member, each project team will research the solution to an open-ended interdisciplinary computer-science-related design problem, develop a precise problem statement, propose a design that solves the problem, implement a prototype design, validate the design and report on the results. Design problems may be proposed by the supervising faculty member, by a research program in another department, by an industrial partner, by government agencies, by non-profits, by outside individuals, or by the student team. Proposed design problems are approved by the instructor. Student projects must satisfy a rich set of real-world design constraints and relevant engineering standards. Deliverables will include a written design document, written problem statement, a written project plan, written progress reports, a documentation of the design, an implementation of the design, a written project report, and an oral presentation of the results of the project.

Illustrative Reading
Students work in teams to complete group project work

Potential Course Overlap

Final Exam
No Final Exam

Course Category