ECS 253: Network Theory & Applications

ECS 253
Network Theory & Applications
Effective Term
2018 Fall Quarter
Learning Activities
Lecture/Discussion - 4.0 hours
Develops the mathematical theory underlying growth, structure and function of networks with applications to physical, social, biological and engineered systems. Topics include network growth, resilience, epidemiology, phase transitions, software and algorithms, routing and search control, cascading failures.
MAT 022A; MAT 022B; (STA 013 or STA 013Y or STA 120); Experience with computer software, or consent of instructor.
Cross Listing(s)
Same course as MAE 253.

Summary of Course Content
TOPICAL OUTLINE: 1. Introduction: Properties of networks, Breadth of network systems 2. Graph theory (Random graphs and phase transitions) 3. Models of network growth (preferential attachment, optimization, small-worlds) 4. Network resilience and reconfiguration 5. Software tools for statistical analysis of networks 6. Spectral methods and network partitioning 7. Spreading on networks (epidemiology and computer viruses) 8. Web search and decentralized search 9. Interacting networks with multiple length- and time-scales 10. Control theory for networks 11. Applications: Biological networks, Software networks, Social and policy networks, Networks and transportation, Energy networks, Others (reflecting student interest).

Illustrative Reading
Mark Newman, Networks: An introduction, Oxford University Press, 2010. Rick Durrett, Random Graph Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, 2007.

Potential Course Overlap
There is currently no course at UC Davis on network theory. There are classes dealing with specific networks: such as Computer Networks (ECS 252), and Mobile and Wireless Networks (ECS 257), and the Management of Social Networks (Management 220). Graph Theory (ECE 225) is offered occasionally but addresses only algorithmic aspects of graph structures.

Final Exam
No Final Exam

Course Category