ECS 278: Computer-Aided Geometric Design

ECS 278
Computer-Aided Geometric Design
Learning Activities
Lecture: 3 hours
Laboratory: 3 hours
Mathematical techniques for the definition and manipulation of curves and surfaces. Bezier curves and surfaces, B-spline curves and surfaces, subdivision surfaces, wavelets. Integration into various computer graphics rendering models, visualization systems and computer-aided design systems.
ECS 175
Enrollment Restrictions
Pass One and Pass Two open to Graduate Students in Computer Science only.

Summary of Course Content

  1. Definition of Curve and Surface Models
    1. Bezier curves and surfaces
    2. B-spline curves and surfaces
    3. Knot insertion and removal
    4. Degree elevation and reduction
  2. Models for Curve and Surface Design and Analysis
    1. Offset generation
    2. Surface-surface intersection
    3. Surface interrogation
  3. Scattered-Data Approximation
    1. Triangulation-based methods
    2. Methods based on radial basis functions
  4. Models for Curve and Surface Design and Analysis
    1. Subdivision methods
    2. Wavelets and Multiresolution Analysis
    3. Review of current research in the field

Illustrative Reading
G. Farin, Curves and Surfaces for CAGD, Academic Press, 1997

Potential Course Overlap
No significant overlap with other courses.

Course Category