ECS 293B: Research in Computer Science

ECS 293B
Research in Computer Science
Learning Activities
Lecture: 1.0 hour
Study of Ph.D. level research methodologies (experimental, applied and theoretical), presenting research results for the computer science community. Study skills necessary to successfully find/solve significant research problems.
Graduate standing in computer science; ECS 293A recommended.
Enrollment Restrictions
Pass One and Pass Two open to Graduate Students in Computer Science only.

Summary of Course Content
The faculty member in charge will present the main topics. There will also be presentations by other faculty members describing the types of research in their area and panel presentations by senior graduate students discussing their research experience.

  1. What makes a good research area and advanced topics
  2. II. How to do research
    1. How to find and manage information (prior work)
    2. How to read a research paper
    3. How to write a research paper
  3. Writing a CS conference paper (selling your ideas)
  4. Giving a good CS technical talk
  5. How to write a research/fellowship proposal

Illustrative Reading
Selected articles and Web sites

Potential Course Overlap
Slight overlap with 293A in the introductory part of the course. The focus on computer science research makes this course substantially different from orientation classes in other fields.

Course Category