Established in 1986, the UC Davis Computer Security Laboratory aims to improve the current state of computer and information security and assurance through research and teaching. The lab investigates security problems in the network infrastructure, in computer security and in information assurance in general. Current projects include research into identity management, adversarial machine learning, data sanitization, vulnerabilities analysis, social networks, the provision of a secure programming clinic, forensic logging and auditing, e-voting and the process of holding an election, biology-inspired security techniques and security of mobile networks and smartphones. The lab also researches and detects malicious code (viruses, worms, time bombs, etc.) in programs and detects attempts to penetrate or misuse computer systems.
Research projects are supported by corporate and government organizations. Approximately 75 Ph.D. and 150 M.S. security-affiliated students have completed their degrees and are employed in academia, industry labs, national labs, government labs and startups. Many undergraduates have participated in security research projects, and members of the UC Davis Cybersecurity Club compete in many regional and nationwide contests.